
3 p.m.


This is areminder that the ag娱乐官网 校董会 will meet in personon Thursday, 7月13日th  下午3点.m. 在JPH会议中心.




  • 财务报道- Richard Stipe
  • 基金会的报告 — Dr. 罗德尼·阿诺德
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale


  • 六月定期会议纪要
  • 替代职位:注册护士项目教员
  • Replacement Position: NAPHE Drug Free Communities Coordinator (grant funded)
  • Replacement Position: Automation and Systems Integration Instructor
  • New Positions: Two - College and Career Coaches (grant funded)
  • Proposed Budget Transfer for RY 2022-2023




The ag娱乐官网 校董会 met in regular session on Thursday, 13, 2023年7月在JPH会议中心. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 受托人帕姆·亨利, 黛比·约翰逊, 斯科特米勒, 琳达举杯祝酒, 没有汤姆林森, 凯文•谢利, 路加福音Feighert, 莎拉·纽曼也在场. 

ag娱乐官网 personnel attending included Richard Stipe, Dr. 罗德尼·阿诺德,乔·亚当斯博士. 里克Massengale, Ryan Hoffman, Nell Bonds, Scott Howie, Dr. 大卫·梅森博士. 劳拉·贝瑞, 布兰登锥, Tavonda布朗, 卡拉·雅各布斯, 鲍比霍华德, Kelsea阴暗的, 和克里斯·格林宁 

Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. 由于没有人,议程就通过了.  


财务报告:Richard Stipe分享了E&G and Auxiliary preliminary budget activities through June 2023. Richard Stipe presented a summary report of the Cares grant funding from March 1, 2020- 6月30日, 2023. Mr. Stipe discussed each award category; student emergency grants, 机构部分, 加强机构, 和补充. He stated that the college website lists the Care Act spending activity.  
在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe stated total revenue for the month was $318,033, 年初至今的价格是15美元,616,027. The expenditures for the month were $1,266,836, and the year-to-date was $15,612,851. He said the amounts are preliminary, and it takes 6-8 weeks to get the final numbers for the year. He thanked the staff for their adjustments in department spending. The revenue and expenditure trend line almost reached the budget line. Trustee Miller thanked Richard Stipe and the college for the work it took to come on budget.  

Auxiliary: Revenue for the current month ended at $ 28,067 with a year-to-date total of $1,870,093. Expenditures current month total ended at $143,503美元,年初至今总计1美元,994,235,净经营亏损124美元,141. Mr. Stipe explained factors; the college grill/store sales and enrollment played a role in the budget outcome for the auxiliary. He stated that the enrollment number affects the result because of the mandatory fees for the auxiliary fund. He said it is difficult to analyze, but he will examine it. He said the trend is moving toward digital resources for students, and several companies and third parties have set up a system that provides textbooks in electronic form by participating in the program we started last year. Students can have the material on the first day of class. We piloted this, which has become convenient for the students and instructors. Students can receive a full refund if they decide not to continue the course. He stated the catch was the college store did not regenerate as much revenue on electronic book sales through the system. He explained the consent agenda item, Proposed budget transfer for FY2022-2023. He requests that a portion of the remaining Cares Act funding in the college reserves be transferred into the auxiliary fund.  

基金报告:博士. Arnold gave an update on the 基金会 finances, 截至5月31日的净资产, 2023, 是10美元, 295,115美元,收入是1美元,301,939. He stated that about $200,000 of the gain was residence hall fees. 他说100美元,000 offer for the 70-acre property in Newton County and stated that it is still in the process. The officers for 2023-2024 are Anne Hubbard as President, 凯茜·勃兰特担任副总裁, 阿什利·霍皮斯担任秘书. Board members: Cathy Golden, Larry Phillips, and Jim Sprott are the class of 2028. He thanked Jerry Pinson for the incredible 15 years he served on the 基金会 Board. He said sixteen endowed chairs were approved for $45,743 in grants. Dr. Arnold recapped the award recipients, Bill Lovell and Mike Masterson.  

Dr. Arnold spoke about the 25th Annual 高尔夫锦标赛 presented by Anstaff Bank. He listed upcoming events; Summer Movie, 年度奖学金午宴, 经济简报午餐会, 以及“北方舟挑战”.  

主席报告:Dr. Massengale stated the student semester credit hours are currently 14,140分,进球20分,344, 人数是1,355分,1分,2023年秋季学期950美元. The concurrent student semester hours are 2,602, and the college-student semester credit hours are 11,538. He thanked 布兰登锥 for his work in promoting the college through advertisement. Dr. Massengale congratulated first-place recipients Kayla Caviness and Cody Wyly in Network Design. 他提到了和Dr. 劳拉·贝瑞 and Sherry Gibbany to partner with ATU Ozark by providing a med lab technician at their campus. He said they would be meeting with SEARK to offer respiratory care.  

Dr. Massengale listed the 2022-2023 所有-American Pioneer Athletes. He spoke about community members' interest in exploring a ag娱乐官网 Shooting Sports Club. The first meeting with be on July 28 to discuss the high school interest. He ended his report by inviting our board members to attend the Fall 2023 Employee Convocation on August 10, 2023, 从早上8点开始.m. – 12:00 p.m.  

替代职位:注册护士项目教员, NAPHE DFC协调员(资助), Automation and Systems Integration Technology Instructor. 
New Position: Two- College and Career Coaches (grant funded) 

Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the 同意议程. A motion was made by Trustee Cheri, seconded by Trustee Miller, and unanimously approved. 

With no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 4:02 p.m.
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