

3 p.m.

This is areminder that the ag娱乐官网 校董会 will meet in personon Thursday, 2024年1月11日 at 3 p.m. 在JPH会议中心.




  • 财务报道- Richard Stipe
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale


  • 十二月定期会议纪要
  • 替代职位:物理工厂主任

  • 支持金融稳定——Richard Stipe





The ag娱乐官网 校董会 met in regular session on Thursday, 11, 2024年1月在JPH会议中心. 宣誓主席于下午三点宣布会议开始.m. 受托人唐·汤姆林森, 斯科特米勒, Pam亨利, 斯科特米勒, 莎拉·纽曼, 黛比·约翰逊, 克里斯·麦克纽也在场.
ag娱乐官网 personnel attending included Dr. 里克Massengale, Richard Stipe, Brandon Cone, Maxine O’Brien, Dr. 马特·卡丹博士. Laura Berry, Kelsea Lowery, Kris Greening, Jo Adams, Ryan Hoffman, Tavonda Brown, Dr. Rodney Arnold, and Terri Smith from Harrison Daily Times.

Chair Pledger asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved. 

财务报告:Richard Stipe分享了E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through December 2023.

在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe stated the total monthly revenue was $1,589,382, 最后支出是1美元,572,597. The year-to-date total of revenues was $ 11,490,192, and expenses were $8,653,404.

Auxiliary: The month's revenue totaled $71,346, and the expenditures totaled $92,211. Mr. Stipe stated the trend line pattern is tracking slightly ahead of what is expected for this time of year.

主席报告:Dr. 马森格尔说,截至1月5日, 入学人数为1602人, 学生一学期的学时是16个,140. He mentioned enrollment has increased in the past three Spring semesters. Dr. 马森格尔说,学生的同时人数是34人.2024年春季5%. 他对“没有围墙的教育”进行了更新. Dr. Massengale列出了沃巴什工业的最新情况, 克林顿公立学校, offerings with Searcy County public schools career center, 高中护理实践课程(OSD). He ended with an invitation to the John Paul Hammerschmidt Lecture Series with speaker Sidney Moncrief on Tuesday, 2月13日, 下午6:30在JPH会议中心. Trustee Miller asked what classes will be given at Clinton schools. Dr. Massengale said to start, it will be general education classes.

The 同意议程 included the December regular meeting minutes, 更换位置, 和物理工厂主任. Chair Pledger asked for a motion to approve the 同意议程. A motion was made by Trustee Newman, seconded by Trustee Johnson, and unanimously approved.

Mr. Richard Stipe presented the January monitoring report, Support Financial Stability. Mr. Stipe began with an overview of the strategic planning goal four and objective 4.2. He stated that the report will be primarily objectives 4.2.2, Conduct an annual financial review in comparison with accepted benchmarks to ensure ongoing financial health for the institution, 和图4.2.3, 与学院领导沟通, 社区成员, and external constituents regarding the necessity of adequate cash reserves to maintain economic purchasing capacity and cash flow protection. The report compares ag娱乐官网 with other Arkansas community colleges.

Mr. Stipe spoke about the unrestricted operation reserve with the fund balance as a percent of revenue with GASB pension and OPEB liability. He broke down a comparison chart of the fund balance as a percent of revenue without GASB pension and OPEB liability and noted we are slightly behind the average of other Arkansas community colleges. Trustee Miller asked about the impact of the GASB pension and OPEB liability average of other two-year colleges and why it does not reflect a similar negative impact compared to ag娱乐官网. Richard said it is for two reasons: one is that most colleges have larger fund reserves, and the other is that not all colleges have the same amount of liability. ag娱乐官网 has a slightly higher proportion of historic employees in APERS and Teacher Retirement systems. He said we carry a somewhat higher liability due to the amount enrolled in the retirement systems.

Mr. Stipe discussed a comparison chart over the expenditures per FTE with GASB pension and OPEB liability. 他说的是2022-2023年, ag娱乐官网的价格是12美元,206 compared to other Arkansas Two-Year colleges at $13,258. He discussed a comparison chart over the expenditures per FTE without GASB pension and OPEB liability. 他把每学期的教学费用细目了一下, 学术支持, 学生服务, 机构的支持, 物理设施, 和奖学金. 他说,随着时间的推移,我们的大部分支出都在减少.

Mr. Stipe spoke about comparing in and out-of-district tuition and fees with other Arkansas community colleges. He discussed Arkansas Two-year colleges' annualized tuition and mandatory fee comparisons for FY 2023-2024. ag娱乐官网 ranked tenth in the state with lower costs in the district. 他谈到了项目资助 & 获得的奖项,不包括奖学金. ag娱乐官网收到了7美元.8 million compared to other community colleges at $5.在2022-2023财年将达到400万美元.

Mr. stepe列出了当前的性能指标:E & 基金余额和储备稳定,但需要增长, fund balance without GASB effect is well above the minimum recommended level, expenditures per FTE student and comparable to ATYC average, tuition rates are affordable and below the ATYC average for in-district, 及获发补助金的成绩超过青年会的平均水平. He said going forward, ag娱乐官网 will continue to increase the E & G基金 balance as a contingency for future challenges, 继续加强招生工作, 增加学生保留率, continue program and area reviews for greater efficiencies, 有效性, 和生存能力, continue to offer affordable and competitive tuition and rates, 并继续积极争取拨款.

Mr. Stipe discussed the revenue comparison data with total unrestricted fund revenues per FTE. 从2022年到2023年,ag娱乐官网为12美元.3 thousand compared to other two-year colleges at $14.5000年. He gave an overview of the tuition and fee revenues per FTE chart and state appropriation revenues per FTE. Trustee Miller asked if there were two primary funding: FTE-based and student-based. Richard stated that it is the historic funding everyone receives, 生产配方的资金会影响它.


琳达·普莱杰主席 Joetta Adams提交 
